Weigh in this morning and ive lost 1kg YAY getting that much closer to being under 70 now and i cant wait!
Ive been exercising nearly every night and really watching my portions!
Only 7 days till Santa time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! man that has come round fast. My son has been asking for santa every day so im really looking forward to seeing his face xmas morning :)
Anyhoo must go get dressed for the day just wanted to share my exciting news.
Take care everyone!!!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
So i weighed in yesterday and although im drinking heaps more water and exercising every other day i still managed to gain over a kg :( DAMIT ALL. My goal is getting further and further away!!!!!!!! cant even be bothered posting this but thought should own up to my gain.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
still at it
Well the last few weeks ive put more effort into than i have for awhile, been getting back on the treadmill and trying to keep within my points, not to say that my sweet tooth hasnt got the best of me afew times :( Last week there was no loss and it was ttom so im just glad i didnt gain!
I also have a new pair of jeans that are two small but with maybe 5kgs gone they should fit perfectly, ive done this all through out my weight loss i find it a goal to be able to fit a certain piece of clothing and try it on ever now and then and it lets me see how im going. And it rocks when that piece become to big!!
just got to keep on going!!
oh and ive been very good with the water intake! Yay for summer, hated drinking water in winter!! :)
I also have a new pair of jeans that are two small but with maybe 5kgs gone they should fit perfectly, ive done this all through out my weight loss i find it a goal to be able to fit a certain piece of clothing and try it on ever now and then and it lets me see how im going. And it rocks when that piece become to big!!
just got to keep on going!!
oh and ive been very good with the water intake! Yay for summer, hated drinking water in winter!! :)
Monday, November 13, 2006
Right then!

As of today im back on track!! Ive been tracking all day, ive had four of my six glasses of water so far and i will be exercising later on tonight same as i did last night. I think ww works so well but after a week trying NC i know that is not the program for me. And rather than just guessing my points during the day and knowing full well eating way over my points, its time i got back in the game and started giving a 100% again. I can soooooo do this!!! Ive lost 18 kgs already there is no reason for me to stop now.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Awww what a cute family
Friday, November 03, 2006
Man i SUCK

I suck i suck i suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ive been stuck at the same weight for god knows how long now and i have no excuses apart from im LAZY
Ive been thinking about changing my program over to NC to see if that will give my body the kick it needs but im a real snacker, mostly at night and not sure how i would go.
hmmmm and some exercise really couldnt hurt either ah! I use to love the feeling after ive exercised but ive loss all moviation at the mo.
But im really wanting to drop 4kgs by xmas day and ive even taken a pic of me in my bathers :( not sure im as brave as rae tho to post it but just know that i have it and it may appear on here one day soon to help me keep on track!
Man its hot today!! Surely im sweating off some fat??
Thursday, September 14, 2006
When i have time!!!

I really enjoy taking photos, these days i just have heaps of trouble finding the time to work on them. This is my friends little girl, isnt she a beautiful wee thing!
Anyway i thought i would share this side of me instead of it all being about ww all the time. I so wish i had of taken photography at school! I always feel its to late now that im a mum.
My dad does some great photography and seem to be forever winning comps, its a shame he didnt realise his gift earlier on in life he could of had a great career i think! Might see if a can find one of his on my comp and put it on here:)
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Bout time!
yay i finally had a loss this week! Only 200g but hey thats better than nothing!!!
Not sure why ive had a loss, ive been better with my points but still have yet to kick my butt into some exercise. But the sun is out in full now and im always way more into exercise if im not freezing so i should get back it to full blast (fingers crossed!)
Not sure why ive had a loss, ive been better with my points but still have yet to kick my butt into some exercise. But the sun is out in full now and im always way more into exercise if im not freezing so i should get back it to full blast (fingers crossed!)
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Yay for shopping
Praying for a good week!
What a bad week we have just had in our house. Fathers day my son and i gave daddy his card and painting that sam did then we had to go drop him off to work :( Sam and I think we and stopped at the supermarket sam was laughing and being his cheeky self to everyone. The minute we got home and stopped the car in the drive he threw up and didnt stop for four days! :(
So i had to ring my parnter and get him home from work to help me and it was just disgusting! poor little man couldnt keep anything down. Then on day five when we thought he was on the mend he caught a nasty cold that he has since pasted on to Greg. I have managed to keep the bugs away so far, the last time sam got the gastro bug he passed it on to me, greg and my parents! Was no fun at all but on the up side i lost 3 kgs from that bug! LOL
Anyways he seem much more like himself today, greg still acting like he is dying but thats males for ya!
Ive just finished eating some very naughty licorice that i just cant seem to put down. Ive lost some control somewhere and i had better get it back before its to late and the damage is done!
Still got 5 to go before im at goal, ive stayed the same weight for god knows how many weeks now. But i know why, because ive hardly done any exercise for ages! need to make it into a habit again.
Have a headache, to much licorice!
Catch ya laters
So i had to ring my parnter and get him home from work to help me and it was just disgusting! poor little man couldnt keep anything down. Then on day five when we thought he was on the mend he caught a nasty cold that he has since pasted on to Greg. I have managed to keep the bugs away so far, the last time sam got the gastro bug he passed it on to me, greg and my parents! Was no fun at all but on the up side i lost 3 kgs from that bug! LOL
Anyways he seem much more like himself today, greg still acting like he is dying but thats males for ya!
Ive just finished eating some very naughty licorice that i just cant seem to put down. Ive lost some control somewhere and i had better get it back before its to late and the damage is done!
Still got 5 to go before im at goal, ive stayed the same weight for god knows how many weeks now. But i know why, because ive hardly done any exercise for ages! need to make it into a habit again.
Have a headache, to much licorice!
Catch ya laters
Friday, September 08, 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Nothing to report

Well its that dam weigh in day again and its another no loss this week. Man ive been so slack! This week my excuse is a sick child with a nasty gastro bug!
My plan today is to either go for a walk or do some time of the exercise bike and dust it off the poor machine!
Anyways here is a pic of the dress i got while in oz, im so wraped that im wearing dresses i would of never thought i would be that keen to buy dresses again but since losing the weight ive really wanted to dress like a girl again and not hide in my boyfriends baggy tops etc LOL
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
The wedding :)

So ive been over to Hamilton Island for my brother wedding and it was so so beautiful!! His new wife Cherise was stunning and my bro didnt scrub up to back either. Hamilton Island was awesome! very expensive place but for the four days we were there it was well worth it. I would reccomend to everyone who can go there for a holiday. So after the very relaxing four days there it was on to sydney, not my kind of place really, just was to many people and far to busy. But my brother seems to be happy there so thats the main thing. He sent us to Myers and david Jones but omg! if i had heaps of $$$$$$$$$ then i guess that would of been alot more fun. Anyways i was super naughty over the 8 days and ate whatever cause no one was going to bothered cooking on holiday but im glad to say that i came home to weigh in and lost 200g which will be from all the walking round sydney getting lost!
But im sad to say that ive since put that back on now that im home. I still havent done any exercise since being back and im slowing starting to get my head into tracking again but a big part of be has lost the hope that this last 5kgs is going to come off! i had set my goal date for the wedding which i failed to meet which bummed me out. Just got to get my head back in the game. Easier said than done.
So here are afew pics of me and my family on hols :)
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Time for some piccies

ok i have to go back somedays and look at old photos because there are days where i look in the mirror and think i havnt really come very far and i think its because im now use to this new body and i forget what size i was before so......... here are my pics of be at my biggest 88kgs and then some of me the other day

Saturday, July 29, 2006
No loss
Again there was no loss this week :( getting depressing now, why wont these last few kgs move!!!!
Will be back later to post some pics and measurements.
Will be back later to post some pics and measurements.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
My new Hair colour

Here is me and my spankingnew hair colour that i got done yesterday and im really happy with it. I went in thinking i wanted to try and go blonde and came out with dark brown with caramel and blonde highlights. $179 bucks later i hope it lasts a long time!!
Not long now till the wedding, i cant wait to go shopping but im going to miss my dp and my baby boy soooooooo much :( have never been away from them for more than 2 days so this will be a challange for me.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Weigh in day

And this week i lost 200g not alot but better than last week which was a big fat nothing. I went shopping the other day for an outfit to wear to my brothers wedding that is in August I decided on a skirt that i really liked and at first tried on a 12 which fitted fine but maybe a little loose around the hips so i got up the nerve to try my luck at a 10 and it FITS :) I was so so happy, it has been a very long time since i have got myself in a 10. So here is a photo of the outfit
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
slowing down
Ok so i gave myself a goal date to reach my goal weight and that date is getting closer and closer and the weight is getting harder and harder to move. Im now sitting at 70kgs and need to lose five more to reach target by august.
Why august? well my brother is getting married so myself and my parents are going over to Hamilton Island for the wedding and that was what got me started really, the thought of going over still fat just wasnt appealing so i joined weight watchers. My parents also joined so we are all looking forward to a shopping spree in Sydney, I CANT WAIT! but i need to get these last five kgs off! Really need to stay on track, exercise wise i think im doing well its the keeping track of my points that im getting abit slack with. Just need to give myself alittle kick in the bum :)
Why august? well my brother is getting married so myself and my parents are going over to Hamilton Island for the wedding and that was what got me started really, the thought of going over still fat just wasnt appealing so i joined weight watchers. My parents also joined so we are all looking forward to a shopping spree in Sydney, I CANT WAIT! but i need to get these last five kgs off! Really need to stay on track, exercise wise i think im doing well its the keeping track of my points that im getting abit slack with. Just need to give myself alittle kick in the bum :)
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Four week pics
This is me
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