So ive been over to Hamilton Island for my brother wedding and it was so so beautiful!! His new wife Cherise was stunning and my bro didnt scrub up to back either. Hamilton Island was awesome! very expensive place but for the four days we were there it was well worth it. I would reccomend to everyone who can go there for a holiday. So after the very relaxing four days there it was on to sydney, not my kind of place really, just was to many people and far to busy. But my brother seems to be happy there so thats the main thing. He sent us to Myers and david Jones but omg! if i had heaps of $$$$$$$$$ then i guess that would of been alot more fun. Anyways i was super naughty over the 8 days and ate whatever cause no one was going to bothered cooking on holiday but im glad to say that i came home to weigh in and lost 200g which will be from all the walking round sydney getting lost!
But im sad to say that ive since put that back on now that im home. I still havent done any exercise since being back and im slowing starting to get my head into tracking again but a big part of be has lost the hope that this last 5kgs is going to come off! i had set my goal date for the wedding which i failed to meet which bummed me out. Just got to get my head back in the game. Easier said than done.
So here are afew pics of me and my family on hols :)