What a great day we had!
First we went and checked out the farm show, sam got to see some pigs, ducks, goats, donkeys, a really cute puppy, rabbits, and he got to touch the donkey, lambs, donkeys, rabbit and even got to feed some of them.
Next we went and watched a show with a clown and a women who did some freaky tricks way up in the air! Then it was time for the Dorothy show!!! Sam was so excited to see her and we also got him his own feathersword.
Then sam went on some of the rides, he loved the one that goes way up in the air then drops up and down.
Samuel was very brave and went on a pony ride, to be honest i didnt think he would be that keen but once he got on he was happy as larry and then decided he wanted to ride on the bigger pony!
Great way to spend the day!!!