Mr Eli Robert Pinfold
Well he is here at long last, making his arrival on Jan the 1st at 11.54pm and weighing 9pounds 4ounces what a big boy! Labour was fairly long and i would say harder than sams. Natural labour with the help of some gas towards the end. Was hoping for a waterbirth but that just didnt happen, took so long to get to 5cm and then once i did he speed up to the point where i wasnt even thinking about the birthing pool. I have heard people talk about "the ring of fire" but really didnt think it was that bad with sam but OMG did i feel it with Eli but not surprising with a 38cm head to get out!!
So we stayed at waterford for two night then came home cause i was getting bored there although it was great to have all my meals done for me. But with Greg looking after sam it was getting pretty lonely up there.
And of course on our first night home Eli was a little poo and wouldnt settle and was the same last night so im hoping tonight might be a better one! Settles ok during the day sometimes he makes abit of a fuss. Feeding is going pretty well, alittle sore so dont think we have master the latch on totally but im sure we will get there. Never had a problem with sam think he must of had a bigger mouth lol
Eli just like his big brother has jaundice so i have a yellow baby! So we are spending lots of time in the light to try and break it down. Now that my milk is in it should help pass it through his system faster.
Samuel totally loves his little brother and is always trying to give him cuddles and kisses and will just sit next to me and watch him, so cute. He has gone to grannys for the weekend so Greg and I can get some rest but as he was leaving he starting crying and saying he would miss us, have never felt so quilty :( and then of course after saying i would ring him tonight before he goes to bed i got stuck with a fussy Eli and totally lost track of the time and forgot to ring :( What a bad mummy. Think i might go out tomorrow and get him alittle present and say its from Eli.
Midwife on Monday and we will get to see what the man weighs now.