Tuesday, May 08, 2007

First midwife visit

Yesterday i had my first meeting with my midwife, a different lady than when i had Samuel as she isnt practising anymore. She seems very nice and experienced. Found out the bloods i had are all fine. My iron is excellent which i thought was odd seeing as i hardly eat red meat? She said i would only be having the one scan done at 20 weeks which i thought was sad as i had two with sam.
So it will be a 6 week wait till i see her again! Forgot what a slow process this was!
Anyways starting to get some morning sickness now, need to go and get all my dry crackers etc forgot how bad you feel for the first few months :(

Got to get ready to go into town, dp and sam are buying me my mothers day gift :) and i need to find something for a 3 year old girls birthday? should be fun!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

New due date

Ok so after seeing the docter she now has me due Jan the 2nd, same month as my birthday which is cool. Feeling alittle ill today but it passes pretty quickly. have my first midwife appointment next tuesday, cant wait will feel like im actually moving forward!