Sunday, September 10, 2006

Praying for a good week!

What a bad week we have just had in our house. Fathers day my son and i gave daddy his card and painting that sam did then we had to go drop him off to work :( Sam and I think we and stopped at the supermarket sam was laughing and being his cheeky self to everyone. The minute we got home and stopped the car in the drive he threw up and didnt stop for four days! :(
So i had to ring my parnter and get him home from work to help me and it was just disgusting! poor little man couldnt keep anything down. Then on day five when we thought he was on the mend he caught a nasty cold that he has since pasted on to Greg. I have managed to keep the bugs away so far, the last time sam got the gastro bug he passed it on to me, greg and my parents! Was no fun at all but on the up side i lost 3 kgs from that bug! LOL
Anyways he seem much more like himself today, greg still acting like he is dying but thats males for ya!
Ive just finished eating some very naughty licorice that i just cant seem to put down. Ive lost some control somewhere and i had better get it back before its to late and the damage is done!
Still got 5 to go before im at goal, ive stayed the same weight for god knows how many weeks now. But i know why, because ive hardly done any exercise for ages! need to make it into a habit again.

Have a headache, to much licorice!

Catch ya laters

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